It is thoroughly cold and you cannot just imagine how much this makes you feel you need to eat more food. During the cold weather, it is common to find yourself sluggish and feeling hungry all the time. Somehow, when you eat something hearty and warm you feel better. Bulky foods make you feel as if it is January alone and you can go to sleep almost immediately. The weather changes directly affects how we eat and exercise our bodies. When it is cold you mostly do not feel like cooking, and when you do, you cook conveniently. You both whip up few ingredients in the fridge and make sure you have a warm drink. But just what is the best way to eat during the cold weather?
Indulge in a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast to help you overcome the day’s cold. The oats are a good choice because they are high in fiber and yet you feel full and warm once you eat them. You can add fruits to them to sweeten them and make them a powerful source of vitamins and antioxidants that you heavily require in your body. Do not just take bread and tea in the morning because you are bound to feel hungry the more and eat more! You can choose some uji, Weetabix or any other cereal of preference.
After breakfast, try and eat a small snack at ten o’clock. It could be that you are in the office and need a quick fix. You can pack an apple to work and have it as a snack. The choice of an apple is because they are high in energy especially the red ones and can help you gain the energy you need to keep you till lunch time.
If you follow through, lunch time will find you feeling less hungry and thus no need to indulge in that much Ugali and meat, French fries and chicken or lots of rice and stew! During lunch time you can choose to have a small portion of food with the half vegetables, quarter carbohydrates and the other quarter with proteins. Before that you can take a bowl of soup that helps you to warm up for the afternoons work. At four o’clock you can indulge in some tea that warms you up after the day’s hard work. Avoid taking coffee because it will interfere with your metabolic actions and probably make you feel too hungry by the time it is supper time.
During supper, make sure if you have nothing in the house and only have a choice to buy food, choose light foods. Avoid taking meats during this time because the body is not losing the extra fat through methods such as sweating. I advise you to take legumes and your preferred vegetables and carbohydrates at least 3 hours before sleeping. Over and above, this cold season is the best time to monitor your exercise and weight loss systems. Avoid over-indulging, as I always say, ALL THINGS IN MODERATION!
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